Balance Disorders Treatment Options
- 40% of falls are due to dizziness and balance disorders
- Falls are the number one cause of injury in the 55+ age group
- Fall problems are difficult to diagnose and are often undertreated
- Falls cause an unnecessary fear of falling
- A “fear of falling” increases the likelihood of falling again
Are you dizzy, unsteady or afraid of falling? More than 90 million Americans will complain to their doctors of dizziness at least once in their lifetime. This experience is often scary, frustrating and can even result in unnecessary falls. You don’t have to live with it.
There is hope.
Regain Your Balance
By using the same breakthrough technologies developed for NASA to diagnose and treat the causes of dizziness and loss of balance, RMC’s Balance Disorders Center can bring quality back to your life. We offer a unique, comprehensive service to diagnose and treat dizziness, vertigo, and disequilibrium. Our licensed physical therapists look beyond the traditional, clinical approaches to detect and actively treat these disorders.
The Balance Center at RMC’s Tyler Center is one of only a small handful of facilities in our state that have the Neurocom Equitest System.
We offer solutions close to home. Our program offers state of the art diagnosis to aid in Vestibular and Gait Assessment. We also offer functional retraining and personalized home exercise programs.
To see a specialist in the RMC Center for Balance Disorders, a physician’s referral is required. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the RMC Department of Rehabilitation Services at 256-235-5688.
We Can Help
If you have experienced vertigo, falls, or instability due to any of the following conditions, we can help:
- Vestibular Disorder
- Vertigo/Dizziness
- BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
- Stroke
- Head Injuries/Concussions
- Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy
- Orthopedic Injury
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Pediatric Developmental Delay
- Sports Injuries
- Work Related Injuries
- History of Falls