10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Breastfeeding

Having a baby is an experience like no other. Add breastfeeding to the already amazing moment, and it’s hard to imagine any other event as wonderful and life changing as the day of your baby’s arrival

Just as welcoming a baby into the world can be incredible, it can also feel overwhelming as questions find their way in, intruding on your excitement. When this happens, it’s important to remind yourself that your feelings are perfectly normal as you move toward delivery day and beyond. 

One of the best ways to rise above the unknown is to stay informed to boost your confidence and comfort level. Breastfeeding is one area you can find plenty of information about to prepare for your baby. RMC Certified-Lactations Consultants provide trained support and resources to help you along your breastfeeding journey. Check out these 10 breastfeeding facts to get you started on your path.

1. Breastfeeding actually begins at 14 weeks of pregnancy when colostrum builds in the nipples to form breast milk. Some mothers report nipple leakage as early as 14 weeks of pregnancy, although it more commonly occurs in late pregnancy.

2. Babies drink about one teaspoon of milk each feeding on day one of birth. It may not seem like a lot, but for a new little human it’s enough to get the digestion system working, while offering nutrition and antibodies.

3. Newborns find it natural to breastfeed after birth when laying on mom’s chest. It’s nature’s way of working for mother and child.

4. Baby’s hunger begins the third day after birth. This is another reason why your baby doesn’t consume much breast milk on day one.

5. Mom’s breast milk provides antibodies against germs detected in the environment, making it one of the top reasons to choose breastfeeding over bottle feeding in the early stages of life.

6. The antioxidant beta carotene causes colostrum to be the color yellow. No wonder carrots and sweet potatoes are so good for you!

7. When breastfeeding, babies don’t use their teeth, so no worries! Our Certified Lactation Consultants can help you be comfortable, and your baby be nutritionally fulfilled.

8. Milk supply is not determined by the size of the breast. It’s actually the number of feedings that make the difference. The more often you breastfeed, the more milk your body will produce.

9. When switching from breastfeeding to a bottle too quickly, a baby may not get its suckling needs met, causing the baby to act hungry.

10. Babies across the world wean on average at the age of 7. 

Learn More About the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Whether you just discovered you’re expectin or have only a few months to go for delivery, RMC’s Maternity Care professionals can answer all of your questions and help you prepare for a healthy new beginning for you and your baby. Contact us today for an appointment.