Grassroots Call to Action – AL Senators Strange and Shelby need to hear from us NOW

June 23, 2017

RE: Grassroots Call to Action –Senators Strange and Shelby need to hear from us NOW

Dear Friends of RMC:

Please contact Senators Shelby and Strange asking that they not support the new Senate Healthcare bill. The reductions it proposes will negatively impact Alabama hospitals and citizens. Hospitals in our state cannot afford further cuts. These cuts combined with the failure of Congress to address the Alabama wage index, our poorly funded Medicaid program and the lack of competition in the commercial insurance market will result in the loss of jobs, reductions in service, increased numbers of uninsured and under insured patients and ultimately the closing of more Alabama hospitals. Contact Sens. Shelby and Strange today and voice your opinion. Then contact Congressman Rogers and remind him that RMC is the second largest employer in his home county with over 2,000 employees and needs his active support on this and the Medicare wage index issue Thank you for your action.


Louis A. Bass, President/Chief Executive Officer

Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center

P.O. Box 2208

Anniston, Alabama 36202

(256) 235-5646

Alabama Hospital Association

Thursday, June 22, 2018

Media contact:

Kate Van Meter, 256-235-5289 (office)

Alabama Hospital Association Government Relations Call to Action 

U.S. Senate has released its version of “repeal and replace” and it is BADCONTACT Senators Shelby and Strange asking them to OPPOSE this bill

WHAT:            The Senate version of repeal and replace healthcare bill was released today.  According to our colleagues at the Alabama Hospital Association (, the bill will be detrimental to Alabama’s hospitals and health care delivery system.  Our elected state Senators need to hear from you before next week with a clear message to VOTE NO. A “NO” vote will protect access to care for every Alabamian, our health care delivery system, health care jobs, and our state’s economy.  The Senate should go back to the drawing board and give careful and deliberate consideration before moving forward with any type of reforms.



HELP?              Hearing directly from you will support the ongoing communication from the Government Relations staff and reinforce real world impacts of this bill.  Senators need to be contacted every day until the vote occurs next week.  Time is of the essence so do not rely using “snail mail.” Calling and emailing are the best (see contacts below).  Senate staff report they can’t answer the phones because of the large volume.  Most calls are being directed to voice mail.  If you can’t get them on the phone, email!  Remember to put the name of your hospital in the subject line.  Engage your entire hospital…board members, volunteers, medical staff, and community leaders. The vote next week will be very close!!

CONTACT:       Tweet @SenShelby and @SenatorStrange or post to their Facebook pages.  Social media is a great way to engage your communities OR CALL or contact via email: Clay Armentrout in Senator Shelby’s office ( or (202) 224-5744. Nick Moore in Senator Strange’s office ( or (202) 224-4124



  • This bill advantages expansion states at the expense of non-expansion states.
  • Medicare DSH cuts are NOT restored.   These cuts are scheduled to begin in 2018.
  • Slashing Medicaid funding is NOT Medicaid reform.
  • Flexibility for state decisions on Medicaid program design will NOT help Alabama.  Our program is already minimal with strict eligibility requirements.
  • Any per capita cap should be based on CPI-Medical, at a minimum, permanently. The move to CPI-Urban is a tool to fund expansion states.
  • Do not reduce the provider tax caps.  While provider taxes in some states may be supplemental, they are fundamental to funding Medicaid in Alabama.
  • Absent revenue from provider assessments, the Alabama legislature will have to find $800 MILLION dollars in new revenue for the state’s general fund – just to keep the program level funded.

Remember to add personal touches about the negative impact this bill will have on your hospital in every contact you make to the Senators:

  • Remind them of how many people your hospital employs. Health care is the largest employer in the state of Alabama.
  • Share stories about what your hospital does beyond its four walls (clinics, community engagement, etc).
  • Tell them about the amount of uncompensated care you provide already and how this bill could lead to even more uncompensated care and bad debt.


**IMPORTANT – when you call or email make sure you include the name of your hospital in your message or email subject line.  Be respectful but persistent. Senate staffers are getting hundreds of emails and calls each day from advocacy groups from across the country, most not representing Alabama.

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