Regional Medical Center (RMC) held its annual Basket Raffle fundraiser for the 2015 American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Each hospital department donated a themed basket, and donations were received for a chance to win baskets valued at up to $750 each.

RMC employees have taken ownership of fundraising for Relay through a variety of methods such as basket raffles, bake sales, t-shirts and collecting “change for a cure.“ RMC supports the American Cancer Society with funds raised for cancer research in the fight against cancer. ACS resources help people right here in Calhoun County and across the nation. It is amazing what we can do when we work together as a community and when everyone gives something in time, money or prayers, no matter the amount.

“Every year, more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer, including more than 25,000 in our home state of Alabama,” said Louis Bass, CEO of RMC. “While no one can guarantee outcomes, many patients rely on RMC for their care and for hope in their journeys of survival. Likewise, we rely on American Cancer Society resources to support those journeys.”

Please join us at the Oxford High School Stadium on Friday, May 8, from 6 pm to 12 am midnight for this year’s Relay for Life. For more information about Relay, visit www.relay.acsevents.org. For more information about cancer resources at Regional Medical Center, visit www.rmccares.org.